We are making researches on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Science at Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo.

Google Scholar about Prof. Akira Furusawa

We made a demonstration of our optical quantum computer in NTT!! (Nov. 2024)

Prof. Furusawa attended the Japanese-German Symposium on Applications of Quantum Computers! (Nov. 2024)

Ultra-fast generation of Schrödinger's cat states!! (Nov. 2024)

OptQC's website is now available! (Sept. 2024)

We have launched OptQC which is working on developping optical quantum computers! (Sept. 2024)

Czech-Japan Workshop on Quantum Information was held on May 21-23 !! (May 2024)

We succeeded in creation of logical qubits in traveling light. A start-up company OptQC will be launched this year. (Jan. 2024)

●Palacký University Olomouc ●Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (idw) ●VEDA NA DOSAH ●Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz ●AlphaGalileo ●EurekAlert! by AAAS ●EE Times Europe

Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, visited our lab! (October 2023)

Successfully "multiplied" by optical quantum computer, real machine to be developed! (July 2023)

●Palacký University Olomouc (1) ●Palacký University Olomouc (2)

Prof. Furusawa attended the Czech - Japan Intergovernmental Meeting as a representative of Japan! (June 2023)

Prof. Eugene Polzik and Jan Thomsen, director of the Niels Bohr Institute, visited our lab! (May 2023)

UT-ANU Workshop was held on April 12-13!! (2023)

Selected for the cover of Appl. Phys. Lett.!! (March 2023)

Establishment of the technology for 43GHz-clock and 100 multi-core super quantum computer!! (March 2023)

Meeting with representatives of Czech academia at the Japanese embassy residence in Prague!! (Sep. 2022)

Press conference with NTT on Quantum arbitrary waveform generator (Q-AWG)!! (Oct. 2022)

●The University of Tokyo・School of Engineering

K. Takase et al., Optics Express 30, 14161 (2022), "Generation of Schrödinger cat states with Wigner negativity using continuous-wave low-loss waveguide optical parametric amplifier" is selected for promotion to the media via a news release by OPTICA!!(April 2022)

Featured in ScienceDaily!

Featured in Phys.org!

MOONSHOT Working Group 6, Furusawa Project "Development of Large-scale Fault-tolerant Universal Optical Quantum Computers"(March 2022)

W. Asavanant and A. Furusawa's co-authored book "Optical Quantum Computers: A Route to Practical Continuous Variable Quantum Information Processing" was published by AIP Publishing!! (Jan. 2022)

Press conference with NTT on Module Squeezer!(Dec. 2021)

●The University of Tokyo・Nano Quine ●The University of Tokyo・School of Engineering

Group photo in Autumn at the large ginkgo tree in Hongo campus(Dec. 2021)

Prof. Furusawa gave a talk titled "Large-Scale Fault-Tolerant Universal Quantum Computing with Quantum Teleportation" at IEEE photonics SOCIETY(Nov. 2021)

The RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing (RQC) has been established, and Prof. Furusawa has been appointed as Deputy Director!

In addition, he has become the team leader of Optical Quantum Computing Research Team which has been also established in the center. (Apr. 2021)

Prof. Furusawa gave a talk at Caltech Physics Colloquium. (Oct. 2020)

High-performance quantum light source for an optical quantum computer chip: Collaboration with Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Mar.2020)

Group photo in Autumn at the large ginkgo tree in Hongo campus (Dec.2019)

Japan-Denmark seminar @Copenhagen (Nov.2019)

Furusawa Lab attended a seminar at Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen as a representative of Japan. It was held in the historical room which is seen in the framed photo. We believe that quantum mechanics was born in the room. Prof. Furusawa sits at Niels Bohr's desk.

"Generation of time-domain-multiplexed two-dimensional cluster state" appeared in Science and we made a press release!! (Oct.2019)

W. Asavanant et al., Science 366, 373 (2019).

Click here for Full Text (PDF)

S. Takeda and A. Furusawa, "Toward large-scale fault-tolerant universal photonic quantum computing" was featured in Scilight !! (June 2019)

"On-demand photonic entanglement synthesizer" appeared in Science Advances !! (May 2019)

You can watch Professor Akira Furusawa public talk video at the Australian National University!!(April 2019)

Timeline by Michael Crichton was inspired by our quantum teleportation experiment!!

Loop-based photonic quantum computer

Prof.Furusawa received Medal with Purple Ribon!!


One-way quantum computing with an unlimited time-domain multiplexed continuous-variable cluster state

A. Furusawa
"Perspective on hybrid quantum information processing: A way for large-scale quantum information processing"
Journal of Optics 19, 070401-1-3 (2017)

Chosen as "Paper of the Week"

UT-ANU Workshop (February.2019)@Kioloa Coastal Campus

The 13th Japan-US Joint Seminar on Quantum Electronics and Laser Spectroscopy@Kanazawa, Japan (Sep.2018)

UT-ANU Workshop 2018 (March. 2018)

UT-ANU Workshop 2017@ANU

UT-ANU Workshop 2017@The Univ. of Tokyo

Prof. Furusawa received Toray Science and Technology Prize 2014!!

Continuous-variable entanglement on a chip

G. Masada et al., Nature Photonics 9, 316-319 (2015).

Experimental proof of nonlocal wavefunction collapse
for a single particle using homodyne measurements

M. Fuwa et al., Nature Communications, 6, 6665 (2015)

Ultra-Large-Scale continuous-variable cluster states
multiplexed in the time domain

S. Yokoyama et al., Nature Photonics 7, 982-986 (2013).


Deterministic quantum teleportation of photonic qubits by a hybrid technique

S. Takeda et al., Nature 500, 315-318 (2013).

Featured in DIGINFO TV

Article on the website "2 Physics"

Quantum-enhanced optical-phase tracking

H. Yonezawa et al., Science 337, 1514-1517 (2012).

Teleportation of Schrodinger's cat wave-packets of light

N. Lee et al., Science 332, 330-333 (2011).

Dynamic squeezing gate (movie)
Upper panel: input
Bottom panel: output

K. Miyata et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW A 90, 060302(R) (2014)


The book "Quantum Teleportation and Entanglemenet"
by Prof.A.Furusawa and Dr.P.van Look was published by Wiley!!

Chap.8: On-Demand Release of a Heralded Quantum State from Concatenated Optical Cavities
J.Yoshikawa, K.Makino and A.Furusawa

Yamamoto, Semba Eds: Principles and Methods of Quantum Information Technologies
Lecture Notes in Physics (Springer)
Chap. 20: Optical Hybrid Quantum Information Processing
S. Takeda and A. Furusawa

Quantum States of Light (Springer)
A. Furusawa

Multi-Step Muti-Input One-Way Quantum Information Processing with
Spatial and Temporal Modes of Light (Springer)
R. Ukai